Selasa, 20 Oktober 2015

Conference of Speedfast 2015

Conference of Speedfast 2015

Hello energy enthusiasts!!!
Have you realized about Indonesia's potential in unconventional resources? Will we follow the success of its development in some developed countries? And what's the best synergy and collaboration we should apply?
It's time to share your Golden Ideas in Energy Conference of SPEEDFEST 2015!!!

What's energy conference?
It is a Problem Solving Competition concerned in Unconventional Energy where students from different majors and universities confer and solve some problems together with The Experts.

What are the benefits of joining it?
- precious experience and a broad insight
- Short course about "Unconventional Energy Around The World" by Expert Judges.
- Conference Certificate
- Seminary Kit
- Coffee Break
- Buffet Set Lunch

Mark on your calendar!
● Conference registration and fee payment (IDR 50K ONLY!) : Oct, 18th- Nov, 5th 2015. Via transfer or cash.

● Online registration please open the 

● Conference Day:  November, 8th 2015. @ The Heritage Place Yogyakarta Ballroom.

What are you waiting for?  Go register your self, increase your skill, face the challenge, and win the big prizes!

Further informations :
Ferdy Latuan : +6285239463700
Afi Ressami : +6287829767642


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