Jumat, 06 November 2015

SPE Talkshow

Hello future engineers!

SPE UPN  Student Chapter proudly present SPE TALKSHOW with theme " Current Global Oil and Gas Matters: From Pricing to Its Nationwide Impact"

As one of our breakthrough event at SPE Educational Festival this year!
The 2 professional speakers will also attend, they are :
1. Sigit Raharjo (VP Upstream Technology Center of Pertamina)
2. Sammy Hamzah (Chairman, Permanent Committee for Coordination of Energy & Industry Location Indonesia Industry Oil & Energy)
3. Otto Hatta ( Independent Energy Consultant)
* More speakers soon to be confirmed.

Also the moderator for SPE Talkshow:
1. Dr. Ir. Drs. H. Herianto, M.T. (Lecturer of Petroleum Engineering Department of UPN "Veteran" Yogyakarta)

This Talkshow is going to be held on:
> Date : Saturday, November 7th 2015
> Time : 08.00 - 13.00 WIB
> Venue : Seminary Room of Arie Frederik Lasut Building Mineral Technology Faculty of UPN "Veteran" Yogyakarta.

Various Facilities :
~ Coffee Break
~ Seminary Kit
~ Goodie Bag

This event will discuss about the condition of oil and gas industry in Indonesia from pricing to its nationwide impact based on professional paradigm.

We will give you an insight about current condition of oil and gas industry to students and young engineers and how you can prepare yourself to overcome the challenge in oil and gas industry.

You can register via sms with format:
Name_Univ_Department_Batch_Phone Number_Email

CP :
085752266996 (M. Arif Fadilah)
087887114099 (M. Irvandi)

Stand registration will be open from 2nd November until 6th November 2015. You can pay the registration fee in our stand or via transfer (see on poster).


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